Monday 12 May 2014

How Dog Treats Can Help Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy

A healthy dog is a happy dog. One aspect of a dog’s health that is often overlooked is their dental hygiene. There are a number of ways owners can help improve their dog’s health. One of them is by giving them natural dog treats.

What Dental Hygiene Problems Can Afflict Dogs?

Like humans, dogs can suffer from a wide number of dental hygiene issues including:

·         Halitosis
·         Plaque and tartar build up
·         Tooth ache
·         Periodontal gum disease such as bleeding or gum irritation.
·         Build up of saliva or bacteria in the mouth

Dental problems in dogs can lead to other problems such as loss of teeth, a diminished appetite, depression and even damage to other organs if the bacterium spreads. Keeping a dog’s teeth healthy will be of huge benefit to keep them fit and happy. Owners can do this by getting them used to teeth brushing as a puppy, or by taking them a professional groomer. However, one easy way to keep a dog’s teeth in top condition is by giving them chewy natural dog treats.

How Can Dog Treats Help Keep A Dog’s Teeth And Gums Healthy?

If there’s one thing dogs love, it’s chewing. Chewing regularly is the main way dogs keep their teeth and gums healthy and disease free. Dogs that chew regularly have less plaque build up, which in turn leads to a reduced risk of gum diseases, bad breath and so on.

Dry dog food and natural dog treats that are larger in size can see up 70% less plaque being built up on their teeth when introduced to a dog’s diet. Dry dog food is preferable to wet food as there is less chance of it getting stuck in the dog’s teeth and beginning to decay.

Some of the most common natural dog treat types that are good for dental hygiene are:

·         Hide Dog Treats and Chews – These are typically made from the hide of cows or horses. They come in different shapes and sizes including bone shapes, dental chips and even ring doughnut shapes.
·         Cereal Based Treats and Chews – These are made from healthy vegetables and cereal crops. They come in a range of flavours and are perfect for a variety of breeds.
·         Bones, Ears and Trotters – Amongst the range of natural dog treats that More For Pets Ltd sell are pig’s ears and trotters, stuffed cow hooves and more. These are free from additives and are 100% natural!

 Combining these with chewable dog toys can help keep dogs healthy and happy for longer.

There are a few points to consider dog owners should consider when giving dogs treats.

·         Make the right match of treat for the right size and breed of dog.
·         Limit treats as they can contain a lot of calories. The rule of thumb is the smaller the dog, the fewer the treats.
·         If a dog already has weak or damaged teeth, avoid bones and ears as this may cause extra damage and discomfort.
·         If a dog is a particularly aggressive chewer, it may tear off large pieces of hide or the treat and be at risk of choking. Owners should be vigilant when checking for choking and gastric or intestinal problems while their dog chews one of these treats.

More For Pets Ltd Stocks A Comprehensive Range Of Dog Treats

For natural dog treats, cereal and hide treats, dog owners should visit today.

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