Sunday, 27 November 2011

Natural Treats For Your Dog.

As with their own diets, pet owners are becoming increasingly aware of the nutritional needs of their pets and the ingredients contained in the foods themselves. More and more they appreciate the benefits of giving their animals treats made only from natural ingredients.

Natural dog treats are just that and have absolutely nothing added to them. So there are no cheap fillers, no artificial preservatives and most importantly no chemicals leaving just pure dog nutrition. The majority of them are gluten free and perfect for dogs with allergies.

Natural pork dog chews are probably the most popular and widely known dog treats. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from the ubiquitous pig’s ears to pig snouts and trotters. Pig’s ears are much loved by dogs and contain an acceptable quantity of fat with a flavour that dogs find irresistible! Available now are the Pork Bites , these are the pigs inner ear and just as tasty as the traditional pigs ears but at a much lower price.

Natural fish dog chews have loads of protein and different varieties may contain omega-3 and omega-6 which are fatty acids which promote a good healthy skin and fur.

Dog chews made from natural poultry are low in fat and are suitable for dogs with allergies. Dog chews made from natural lamb are perfect for sensitive dogs and dogs which are allergic to certain types of food.

Other favourites include the best training treat ever – dried liver strips which your dogs will do anything for and are a completely healthy treat. Black pudding sticks and salami sticks are mouth watering chewy treats which can be given whole or cut in to smaller pieces making them great value too. For good dental care you still cannot beat a good quality smoked bone for your pet to chew on, sterilised first before going through the smoking process leaving you with a tasty and safe bone for your dogs to chew on.

All these natural treats should ideally be oven baked, dried and contain no artificial colorants, preservatives or flavourings – most are also gluten free.

If you take a look around your kitchen, check in your fridge  or even look in the garden and you will be surprised at just how many natural treats are available right on your doorstep. Sliced apples, sticks of celery as well as carrots all make very good natural treats. Each and every one provides a range of proteins and vitamins. A carrot by itself contains five different vitamins, protein, iron, fibre and potassium. They are all natural ingredients with no added chemicals.

Whether or not you purchase commercial dog treats or use treats direct from your garden or your kitchen, natural dog treats are a fantastic way of providing your companion with a supplement of extra nutrition without the worry about which chemicals have been administered without your knowledge.

The number one reason dogs want to chew on bones or dog chews is a natural instinct which has been passed on for thousands of years. Dogs have an innate desire to chew and giving your dog a healthy and natural dog chew will benefit them in many ways. Puppies especially love to chew, this chewing facilitates teething and it is also their way of exploring objects in their world. In adult dogs chewing aids the dental care of your dog removing plaque, tartar and keeping gums in great condition.

As dog owners, we want to make sure that we choose the right dog chew for our dog. With so many choices of dog chews and treats available finding the right chew can be difficult. Different ages and sizes of dog will benefit from different strengths and sizes of treat – if in doubt feel free to ask us for any advice.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Intershred Comfibed

Comfibed is an amazing product which is suitable to use for all sorts of animal bedding.  Most people know it as a hamster bedding in its fine shredded form,  but it is also produced in a wider shred size for use as a bedding for rabbits, guinea pigs and for use in kennels and catteries.

At a quick glance it can easily be passed over as just another paper bedding which will go mushy when wet, block up your hamster pouches and be dusty enough to irritate your pets.  BUT Comfibed is a very different product being produced form the same hemp-based material that your household tea-bags are made from!  So if it's safe enough for your cup then it's safe enough for your pets!  Comfibed is absorbent without losing it's structure so it will not go mushy, it is totally safe for hamsters and small rodents (will not block up pouches like paper and fluffy bedding can) and is dust free.  At the same time it is totally breathable creating an ideal nesting material.

Comfibed is hypo-allergenic bedding and suitable for pets with other bedding allergies when using hay, straw and shavings. It is a god send for sensitive rats and guinea pigs where it can be used as a bedding material and as a complete floor covering.  Because of it's  hygienic properties it is also amazing for re-cooperating animals after injuries or operations and during treatment for mites etc helping to keep the animals clean and infection free.  The coarse grade 15/20mm Comfibed is a fantastic product to use as kennel bedding for dogs, cats or any animal requiring a soft absorbent warm bedding which will not disintegrate when it gets wet and it is very economical to use.

Comfibed comes veterinary recommended and Hamster Society approved.  Because it is a natural hemp based product it is also biodegradable making it environmentally friendly.

More For Pets Limited are a main supplier for Comfibed products and have regular deliveries from the manufacturer.  We sell various quantities from 100g bags up to 5.5kg bags and will deliver it straight to your door.

If you have an animal this is a must try product. 

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Feeding Your Garden Birds

Are you getting value for money with you wild bird seed? 

Are your garden birds getting the food they need?

At More For Pets we have a range of wild bird seeds and treats to attract a wide range of bird species without the cheap bulking seeds such as wheat which the majority of birds just won’t eat.  These bulking seeds are put in by some companies to give the appearance of value for money, when in actual fact a large quantity of the seed is wasted – therefore wasting your money. 

We provide premium wild bird mixes that the birds in your garden will love whilst still offering you great prices.  With specific seed mixes for a wide range of birds including robins, songbirds and British finches there’s something for them all to enjoy and return for more.  

Robin Mix
Robin and Songbird mix with insects

This a special mix for soft billed insect eating birds like Robins, Blackbirds etc. It's a high energy food which can be used all year round and contains oatmeal to provide essential carbohydrates as well as sunflower hearts, peanut nibs, millet, dried meal worms and vegetable oil. Take a look

British Finch Mix
British Finch mix

This is a seed mix specifically for all small seed eating birds such as Chaffinches, Gold Finches, Siskins etc and is a very special blend including canary seed, niger seed, rape seed and naturally occurring wild seeds. Take a look

Spring and Summer Mix
Spring and Summer mix

Specially formulated for birds at this time of year who are nest building and feeding babies combining high energy seeds with the right nutrients for quality egg production, skeletal growth in fledglings and building immune systems.  Containing a mixture of seeds, oyster shell grit, dried meal worms, suet pellets, vegetable oil and aniseed oil. Take a look

With many birds still nesting and producing chicks this time of year they need any extra help they can get, so why not give them the best start?  We even stock a specific food for squirrels helping to take them away from the usual tempting bird feeders, leaving the birds to eat in peace! Squirrel Food

Our range of boxed fat and suet bird treats will be a great addition to your garden with their high energy levels and great taste will prove to be very popular.  Have you tried insect fat balls, suet pellets, suet feasts, insect logs or dried meal worms?  The birds love them and with a variety of feeders available for each product there’s really no excuse not to give them a try! Suet Treats Galore

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Bath Time Fun!

So you are enjoying a lovely walk with your four legged friend when you see it, that large muddy puddle up ahead. But you are not the only one to see it oh no, your four legged friend has not only spotted it, already they are heading straight towards it - at pace! No amount of calling their name will help as they suddenly develop selective hearing and they are on mission. All you can do is watch helplessly as they bound right through it, lie down in it, stick their head in it and sometimes even roll in it! Only then are they happy to come back to you looking very pleased with themselves and dripping muddy water which they inevitably shake all over you!

You know you can't put it need to give that dog a bath. Now even if your dog loves having a bath- which I'm not altogether sure many do, though most resign themselves to it and sit there with big sad eyes looking a bit sorry for themselves. Plus to add insult to injury we cover them in bubbles (normally with a big dollop of bubbles on their head just for good measure!). Getting them in the bath in the first instance can be quite difficult, especially if they are a larger breed of dog. They are not going to help you to get themselves in. Stopping them from getting out mid-bath can be a bit of a problem too. All in all the process of giving your dog a bath can be a messy one, leaving not only you drenched but the bathroom a swamp too. Desperately trying to towel them dry while they have got other plans and head towards the nearest exit with you in hot pursuit! It's always tempting to get the hair dryer out to get the job done quicker and I've known many a dog to be quite partial to the luxury of a brush and blow dry - pampered pooches indeed!

With different shampoos for all types for dogs and coats it can be a difficult choice.  There are special gentle shampoos for puppies, shampoos specifically for white coated dogs and dark coated dogs, sensitive shampoos for dogs with easily irritated skin and coats, flea and insect control treatments, tea tree and coal tar products just to name but a few.  Finishing sprays are great for that extra shine making your dog stand out in the crowd and all with fresh fragrances essential for pre-show care.  Oh and don't forget the dry shampoos for a quick fix when a bath is just not possible or wanted! For more information take a look

One thing is for certain that although giving your dog a bath can be a bit of a headache at times it is completely necessary to keep your dogs skin and coat healthy. There is no denying it that once they have been washed and dried with their coats shining they look and smell great (especially if you try the new K9 Cologne for that extra finish!) and they undoubtedly feel better for it too! 

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Quality Bank Holiday Time With Your Pets

Well here we are it's another Bank Holiday!  They can make all the difference to how we are feeling and if the weathers good then it's all the better. They are also a fantastic opportunity to spend some quality time with your pets, whatever they may be.

Maybe an extra long country walk for your dog, a trip to the park or even a long weekend away to a doggie friendly hotel perhaps, to escape the usual daily routine can make all the difference to both you and your dog.  They get a chance for a longer run, extra play and extra time with you.

Cats too will love the extra time you spend with them, lets hope that we see a little bit of sunshine over the three days as there is something very relaxing about watching your cat wonder out into the garden, have a quick wash and then settle themselves down in a shady spot for a little snooze.

Your rabbits and guinea pigs will be out in their runs enjoying a little bit of warmth and munching the fresh grass.  Make sure though that they have plenty of places to shelter from the sun (or rain!), enough to eat and drink and plenty of toys to keep them entertained.  Maybe give their coats a good brush to get rid of any loose fur and check for any unwanted mites or fleas. They will love it and if they are long haired it will remove tangles and encourage them to groom themselves.

Whatever you get up to this long weekend and whatever the weather try and spend some quality time with your pets, they will love you all the more for it and you will find it relaxes you too!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Sunday Mornings.......

Sundays are back to the way they should be - the Grand Prix on the screen, beer garden weather and not enough time to do either! But the family is out so peace and quiet rule the roost, time to reflect on the amazing week just gone and the week to come......... Promising to be another hectic one from the word go.
More For Pets is growing rapidly and there are more products coming in than we can list quickly enough, products for all types of animals, birds and fish. If you haven't looked for a while then do check the site to see what is new, and sign up to the Facebook page too for unique offers and product updates.
But maybe back to the beers and F1, not forgetting the pets - oh and imminent return of the family.